Created in inspiration of Cody “Codith” the co-owner of Remnant Homestead and Codith Kick Streams. 🌸Sweet Almond Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil infused with Chamomile, Calendula, Mullein Leaf, and Dandelion Root! 🐝 Tiny amount of Raw Honey infused for 🍯 moisturizing properties that can help condition your hair and then leaves it healthy. Raw Honey contains tons of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants 🍊 Lightly Scented with Essential Oils- Specific to Blood Circulation and Bacterial/Odor/Dandruff fighting and beard health. 🍵 Green Tea Matcha 🌻Oil of Oregano for antioxidants and antibacterial Formulated with base of Infused Oils, Beeswax, Coconut Oil, and Raw Shea Butter for taming, growing, and keeping your beard healthy.